Tuesday 14 September 2010

Education Online

What do lessons online teach us?
They teach us all sorts of things like:
1.      They sometimes teach from a different point of view on a subject
2.      They can create an easy picture of a situation or time period then a teacher can in an hour
3.      You can continually read over the same piece of text until you understand it completely.
4.      You can learn at your own pace then you do in class
5.      You can spend as long or short-a-time on a particular part of a subject that you are stuck on.

The Purpose of these types of sites

The Website

            The purpose is to create an alternate learning experience for students to study from. With more resources with different information, in a different way of presenting it to ensure that all types of learners can understand it and process it into another piece of work. This Site is good at showing the information in an interesting format with the interactive parts to it (see Image below), it allows the learner to read the information at a pace they are happy with and the use of video and the continual story line down the side helps to show how much they reader has covered and how much they have left, there are the different ways of learning involved as you can see, read and listen to the information, if needs be. It fits the purpose of learning via the Internet.

One of the Interactive parts of the site

Time Line
  It teaches us that this sort of site can make even the least interesting work seem fun with the range of activities and the interactive sections, making it more likely for the reader to remember parts of it, it shows that not everything has to be learnt in a classroom and that sometimes using a site like http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/ for ICT work is better then just getting set some sheet work or reading work in class, this way the brain is actively working and understanding the text in front of it and its portrayed in a fun way to make it easier to understand

Time line: Is on the interactive website as one of the features. 

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