Thursday 23 September 2010

Unit 2: 2.2: Activity 1- when is there a need for speed?

We as a society have many different uses of the internet and we do prefer to have a quicker higher quality internet access but in all honesty, we only really need those for a select number of things like:
Listening to internet radio
Downloading MP3’s
Downloading Videos

These things need the fast internet connection as it is all for downloading and listening to a live fed. The listening to the internet radio you’d need to be up with the actual broadcast and not lagging behind, you would want to be hearing thing at the right time not five minutes after they have be said. Downloading MP3’s and Videos, you would need a fast and high quality for these as you want it to be a fast download you don’t want to be sat around waiting for days for one song or one video to download just to turn out that its frozen in the middle due to the sudden loss of internet connection.
                Some things we feel we should have a quick connection for but in fact they are okay on a normal speed connection, things like buying the latest CD of your favourite band, buying a basket of goods from an online grocer, creating a travel itinerary for a round the world trip, subscribing to a news service and looking up information on a  driving test, you don’t need the fast connection for these as you could of gone down to the shop or made a phone call to the shop/store about these things, so the internet is not a key part in these though it does make it easier.

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