Tuesday 14 September 2010

Net frog

The Net.Frog Website
The website is spilt into two halves the older version from 1994 and the newer version from 2002:

Home Page

Purpose of the practicing online
            There are advantages and disadvantages of practicing a frog dissection online. Some of the advantages are that you can gain all the basic skills and get the practice as much as you want without actually dissection hundreds of frogs, for practice. Also you can then see all the handy hints and tips, before you have to discover them the hard way. You can watch the selection of videos on the site to actually see the process and see how they make the cuts initially. The disadvantages are that you may not be able to see the demonstrations that are videoed and you may not be able to see the text that has the helpful information in it.

What general lessons does it teach you about online simulations in education?
Online simulations are good for practice but they can sometimes not work properly or portray the wrong information meaning that when you come to do the actual thing you fail due to the wrong information you were given, you don’t know what sort of problems you may come across in real life as a simulation does not really factor them in. They give you the basic skills you need and they are a continual resource for information if you need to check up on something but not something you should always use, due to changes in the process that have not been changed on the simulation.

Older Version

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