Tuesday 14 September 2010

Online Banking

Purposes of online banking
A way to check personal bank statements. You can see if any transactions have happened, without the trouble of going to the bank its self.

Examples of two Online banking Log in's. Top: Halifax
and bottom Lloyds TSB

Target Audiences
Everyone who has a bank account, of any sort.

How it fulfils these purposes
 A side bar with the categories of which you can go through to view your accounts without using any paper. You go can select which part you’d like to view and it presents you with the information.

The First side bar that the site loads

A Sidebar with all the correct Links for further

Major advantages
Easy and fast banking, less travel and paper wasted so better for the environment in the long run. You can now even check your details on your phone for when you are out and about to make sure you will not go overdrawn.

Improvements in the future
 To have everything online as its safer then standing at a bank desk, you can view it anywhere and not by having to remember a user name and password but just by a four digit number to log on, and after half an hour if nothing has been pressed on it automatically logs you out for safety reasons.

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