Thursday 23 September 2010

Unit 2: 2.2: Activity 2 investigate local government online

What is the major information and who does it supply it to/for?
                The Gosport Council website, , provides lots of information on most things like accounts, business rates, building control, community services, democratic services, economic prosperity, housing services, leisure and cultural services, personnel and traffic management, along with many more. The information is supplied for  (young) adults, they are the ones who are more likely to have to take a note of these sorts of things, children would probably not bother with this sort of site, as to them it’s boring and colourless. There are benefits for both the council and the consumer for having this information online, for the council it allows them to keep everyone up to date on all the happenings in the consumer’s area, and for the consumer they can pay some bills (council) online and then not have to worry about going down to the actual council building for enquires. They have a section, within the top (main) tool bar which allows the consumer to pay a number of council concerned bills like council tax, housing rents, debtors and overpaid housing benefits. This is a great way for people to pay them as they can pay by using credit card, which they have a selection of cards you can use, then once you have paid then you don’t have to worry about it until the next bill is due.
                With in the A to Z of services you can select any of them and the one I chose to look at was if I could report a fault with any roads or pavements, and once you have selected the “road and Pathway Maintenance” link you can in fact send in a report about any problems you may of come across. One of the other important things that you should be able to report or complain about does not have a section where you can actually do that and is for dog fouling, a major problem and I feel this should be improved on. You can actually “vote” online, again within the online services but you can download a PDF form and then post in your vote for local council.
                The purpose of the website is to allow people to find out what is happening within their local area, to be able to pay bills online and find out different things about key subjects for them. You can browse though lots of important information at your own pace and send in any problems or queries you may have to the council email and then you can have a response, you can visit extra links all to do with the council and what it can provide, also this is a way to save some money for them as they don’t have to print out lots of newsletters or information packs, just for them to be put in the bin, so this way the people who want the information or help can receive it as and when they need it without wasting paper.

My Proposal: for council services online collaboration.
 I feel that all the council’s services online need to be collaborated, the services will includes the services already listed plus many more, like the fouling section for the keen (dog) walkers, they should included this and have in about within Walpole Park about the swans, as they can cause an issue for people passing by. Some of the subjects can interlink with one or other, like having a main section on animals and wildlife and then being able to list some of the problems or queries that people may have about this subject,. The benefits of this site would be to give a better experience to people looking on the website, they would be able to see/report anything they need to and you can automatically receive the information and be able to put measures in place to stop it or decrease the number of times it happens. The target audience is from about 18 years plus, as they are the people who have the right to vote in national elections so let them voice their opinions on their local area, without having to literally speak to someone, if they don’t want to, they would in turn gain a voice and gain the changes they feel are needed with in the area.  The limitations of this it that to start with it will cost a lot to improve the current site but over time it will have a good return, as you as a council would be saving money focusing on the areas that are reported about the most, instead of doing all the work on things that the public feel are satisfactory already. You also can transform your own living environment.

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