Sunday 19 September 2010

Investigate downloading goods and services

The different types of items that people download:
  1. Games
  2. Music
  3. Books
  4. Radio links
  5. Podcasts
  6. Videos

People download these types of items either illegally or legally. The public decide to download items instead of buying them in a shop, for example, as it is quicker and the price is normally a lot less than the shops prices. We, the public feel that you don’t actually need to own a physical copy of something when you can download it as and when you want or need it. For each of the list above we download for a number of reasons:

  1. Games- We download as it easy and its always there until we delete it, you can just save it to your computer desktop and it will remain there, ease and cheap.
  2. Music- You can download an individual track and not having to go out to a store and buy the whole single/album for the one track you like; also there is a continual stock of most things.
  3. Books- Using an e-reader or e-book, books have become quite expensive due to the raise in price of paper and the process of actually making a physically book, you can download a copy of a book, print it out or leave it on your computer, it also means you don’t have any heavy books to carry around with you after you have brought them or when you are taking them somewhere.
  4. Radio Links- You can download a free application that links you to a live radio feed, meaning you can just click on and off whenever and wherever you are.
  5. Podcasts- we download podcast to have to reference and to listen as many time as we need, you can’t really buy any physical type of podcast so download is the only way.  
  6. Videos- Either music or trailers or a reference for how to do something, again you can’t really buy videos you can only buy films so it’s better and easier to download them where you know you “own” it and can view it as many times as you want to.
The main reasons are ease, price and convenient, also if it’s a rare copy of something it’s probably easier to find it online then in a shop.

Problem with downloading from online
            The main problem with downloading items online is the risk of viruses or security of all your personal details. You could also be sold a complete bluff of an item, due to the lower price and you may not have any way to return it or get hold of the seller to complain. Your bank details, if you give any, may be used by a fraud as you don’t need any prove that you know that card you just need the numbers you could end up losing lots of money all for a song, for example.

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