Monday 27 September 2010

Unit 1.1: Activity 9: Use an Internet Group

Google groups is a advanced search site to find discussions on any sort of subject, the subject that I used Google groups to research was the ‘Digital Divide’. These sites are good for finding different peoples opinions on a subject, this can help the readers to understand the different sides that there could be to one subject, the limitation of this learning method is that it is unorganised, you have no idea what you will find if anything and there is no set format for the text to be in, this can make it harder to understand, also you may not be able to find anything that is even remotely linked to the searched subject.
            I would not personally use this as a way to learn information, as the discussions are mostly not very helpful and the information is not ordered to make sense, you have no really way to see if the information that is portrayed is true or false without having done extra research first. It is up on the web for people to add to the knowledge of others but I feel that it is just a complete waste of time.

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