Sunday 19 September 2010

Online Entertainment


Different forms of online entertainment

What are the purposes of technology?

The purposes of technology in the 21st century is basically anything you can think of you can do a wide range of things from buying selling and viewing , playing, reading, paying and communicating to a simple search. You can achieve most things with the varieties of technologies used to create the World Wide Web and all that inter links with it.

Who is it targeted at?

Online entertainment Is aimed at anyone there are games for preschool children, secondary school, there are learning resources for college and university students and entertainment for adults and for the over 60’s with the online bingo.

To what extent it is enhanced by being online
You feel more in touch with the world as “everyone” is seen to be online, for the more mature adult it’s a way to talk to people and have a game of bingo without having to move and if they have a health problem they can still do the things they want with the access to the online entertainment world. The younger adult can just do whatever they want within reason and the children can experience their favourite TV shows and games over and over i.e.

What are current limitations?
Limitations are that you can only access the entertainment you are old enough to  and are allowed to access, which is set up by the parent or carer, who is in charge of the internet connection. You can’t have a proper talking conversation with someone and if you are not inline you have no way to keep in contact or updated with all the resources at your fingertips.

What extent does it fulfil its potential?
The potential is to allow people of all ages to go “online” and be able to spend as short or longer time as they want playing/socialising at anytime and anywhere. IT will just to be able to be extended to the people who are unfortunate in the fact that their country has not be able to gain any type of internet connection or any household because they can’t afford the computer. Internet has gone mostly global and mobile, most people in a third world country had their first experience of the internet on a mobile device not a computer type device.  

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